Pilot Uni - YouTube Edition

Pilot Uni for iOS and Android was a revolutionary new tool for pilots, student pilots and anyone who wanted to learn how to fly a small plane. It tought you the same skills that you learn in the official curriculum and is compatible with both the US FAA system as well as the European JAR FCL and EASA standard.
The app saw great success and was selected by App Circus as one of the top 10 apps to be presented at Google Campus in London. As mobile device APIs changed over the years it was no longer feasible to support the diversification of the thousands of devices that PilotUni been running on so a better platform is now to release as a video lesson on YouTube.
The official reference manuals (Cessna 152 and TBM 850) are great documents but not very educational for the student pilot in raw format. The best way to learn is to get a few hours with a flying instructor at a local airfield. This could however be pricey or you may live in a location where it is not possible. You can then use a flight sim such as Microsoft Flight Simulator or X-Plane but it is harder to learn from scratch in simulators.
Once you have the basic knowledge about controls and procedures you can really get the value out of the Pilot Uni movies by using it to refresh your mind at any time. Think of it as a mental training or guided meditation course where you imagine yourself following the procedures as if you were sitting in the plane in real life.
Good luck and enjoy your flying!!
Johan Lundin
Certified pilot since 2012